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Board Members

As regional representatives, members support and enable the delivery of high quality services to governors, trustees and clerks, promoting and supporting effective governance in schools and academies. The committee also provides a mechanism for professionals working in services supporting governance in schools and settings to access a range of materials and development opportunities.

It is the committee’s responsibility to influence and initiate national policy by identifying common themes emerging from the regions and then to communicate the outcomes to support the continuous improvement of governance support services nationally.

Fiona Collier

NAGAS Chair and South West Regional Representative

Fiona leads the Governance Consultancy Team in Devon. As the chair of NAGAS, she brings a wealth of experience, having previously served as vice-chair and co-chair. Fiona proudly calls herself a ‘governance geek’ and her passion for governance is truly infectious.

Fiona is a staunch advocate for the pivotal role of the governing board’s clerk, or governance professional, and she firmly believes that effective governance support can significantly enhance a board’s efficiency and effectiveness.
Her journey into governance began with a robust business background, including with the Northcliffe Newspaper Group, where she worked on various publications and organised both regional and national exhibitions. Later, she successfully led a business in the heart of Devon, guiding her team to achieve the prestigious ‘Committed to Excellence Standard’ from The British Quality Foundation.

John Ashworth

NAGAS Vice Chair, Treasurer and North West Regional Representative

John has over 25 years’ experience working in education governance and holds the position of Governance Services Manager for Bolton Council. John maintains, develops and manages the provision of quality, cost effective clerking, training and development services for governors, trustees and school leaders. His main duty is to provide statutory local authority governance support services in order to strengthen strategic school improvement and empower governors and trustees in fulfilling their statutory duties in governing their schools and academies.

John is elected on the NAGAS Board as the North West regional representative and holds office as Vice Chair, supporting the Chair in the organisation of the national board. John also holds office as Treasurer to ensure regional membership subscriptions are managed effectively through agreed financial management procedures.

Bec Davey

NAGAS Clerk and Co-ordinator

Bec has worked as a Clerk to Governors for over ten years clerking for Primary, Secondary, Maintained and Academy schools and as well as being the Clerk and Coordinator for NAGAS, she is also the Clerk to an Educational Trust in Exeter and the manager in her local seaside cafe.

In her role as the Clerk and Co-ordinator for NAGAS, Bec ensures that meetings are organised and clerked effectively, administers the NAGAS Governorhub page and co-ordinates training and events for the group.

Diane Harrold

NAGAS Bursar

Profile Pending

Steve Barker

London Regional Representative

Steve Barker is the Head of the Governance Services team at Strictly Education. His team provide governance support to more than 1000 schools and have operated a success clerking service across Surrey and much of London for more than 25 years. In his role Steve is dedicated to supporting schools and academy trusts in improving the effectiveness of their governance. His experience of governance, across all phases of education, is extensive and he is a regular conference speaker on governance topics, has had articles on governance published and was the creator of Better Governor. Steve is a prolific writer and presenter of governance training and delivers in excess of 200 webinars and training events each year, including a number for Governors for Schools.

As one of the original cohort of National Leaders of Governance (NLG), and a NLG Advocate, Steve was part of a small team who created and piloted the External Reviews of Governance and has conducted over 150 reviews and quality assured many others. He continues to conduct external reviews for individual schools and Multi-Academy Trusts. As a charity CEO and trustee, combined with the role of chair in both an academy trust board and a school governing body, Steve's passion improving the lives of children and young people is clear.

Michelle Foster

North West Regional Representative

Michelle has been a governor for approximately 20 years and was a national leader of governance until 2021. Michelle has been a chair and vice chair of governors in both primary and secondary settings and has also been a member of an IEB. She is currently a governor at two primary schools and a member of a multi academy trust.

Michelle works for Wigan Council as their Strategic Lead for School and Academy Governance, with responsibility for a large clerking service, for the borough’s governor training and development programme and for ensuring that all settings have access to good quality governance advice and guidance. Before that, she was an independent governance consultant working across the North West. Michelle has also been an elected member of the NGA board since November 2023.

Mel Stokes

Yorkshire and Humber Regional Representative

After a career in retail and business both in the UK and New Zealand, Mel entered the world of governance by becoming a Parent Governor, and subsequently the Vice-Chair of Governors. From this her passion for governance, and the strategic impact it has on improving outcomes/opportunities for our young people grew.

Mel has worked across three Local Authorities in supporting and leading governance and has collaborated with School Leaders across all sectors of education, including Trusts and Teaching Schools. She has supported improvement within Governing Boards and also with the implementation of Federations and Academy Trusts; she is also an experienced Clerk to Governors. In her current role as Team Leader for Wakefield School Governor Services, Mel is responsible for the strategic improvement and support to Governing Boards across the Wakefield District and leads not only on our Clerking & Development SLA but also in the Training & Development SLA where she develops and delivers much of the governance specific training.

Jo Trotter

Eastern Regional Representative

Jo’s experience of school governance is wide ranging and started as a clerk to governors in a small rural primary school over 25 years ago. It has included parent and co-opted governor roles within the maintained and independent sector. Jo currently leads Governor Services for Lincolnshire and maintains a clerking commitment as part of this role.
Jo provides support and strategic guidance to Lincolnshire governing boards and clerks/governance professionals, including the County Council Clerking team. Jo also leads on Training and Development for Governors within Lincolnshire and provides guidance and support to the Local Authority Education Locality Lead team specifically focussing on leadership.

Kathleen Wallace

North East Regional Representative

Kathleen has worked for North Tyneside Council for over 30 years, joining the Governor Services team in 2004. As Governor Services Coordinator, she manages a team providing support to governing bodies and oversees a governor training program.

Kathleen has previously been a Parent Governor and has also been an active member of her local scout group, demonstrating her commitment to youth and community development.