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Our Constitution

Pupils smiling taking a selfie

1. Objectives

The national committee is the body that represents the eight regional networks for coordinators of governor services in England (hereinafter referred to as “the regions”), the collective title of this regional network and national committee being the National Association of Governance Advisory Services, otherwise described as NAGAS.

The regions are the prime focus for the development of governor services and support for individual co-ordinators of governor services and other governor service professionals working in and with Local Authorities, Diocesan Bodies, Multi Academy Trusts and Free schools.

The national committee exists to:

  • influence and initiate national policy associated with governance issues
  • identify common themes and issues emerging from the regions and use these to inform national priorities
  • represent the regions in discussions with national agencies, and other bodies represented on the DfE Advisory Group on Governance (AGOG), giving due regard to the views of the regional membership, and effective working relationships are developed and sustained
  • communicate the outcomes of its meetings, and those with national agencies and other bodies to the regions in a timely and appropriate manner
  • share research, information and ideas, including where it deems appropriate via its agreed commissioning framework, to support the continuous improvement of services for governors and the professional development of all members of the NAGAS regional networks
  • encourage and support the professional development of individual co-ordinators of governor services and other governance professionals
  • consider, reflect on and disseminate good governance practice, including in training, the development of materials  and to share experience of the  operational practices of governance professionals

2. The National Committee

  • the affairs of the national network are managed by a national committee comprised of at least one and up to two regional representative(s) from each of the membership regions in England. Each region will have one vote, other than in the circumstances below. The national committee shall also be responsible for the appointment of a clerk. The representatives are not delegates, but are accountable to their regional membership. It is for each region to decide who from amongst its membership it elects as a representative on the national committee.
  • individuals or representatives with an interest in governance may be co-opted on to the national committee for a period determined by the national committee or invited to meetings from time to time by the chair.
  • the term of office of each regional representative may be for between one to three years, as agreed by the region concerned, and notified to the NAGAS clerk at the time of election. Each region is responsible for agreeing its own arrangements for substitution for their representative, if they are unable to attend any particular meeting. Regional representatives may be re-elected by a region for further terms of office. It is the expectation of the committee that regional representatives make every reasonable effort to share information and intelligence with their regional networks in a timely manner, as well as at regional meetings.
  • the Chair, Vice Chair and the Treasurer of the national organisation will be elected by secret ballot by and from the national committee at the first meeting after the annual conference, usually held in the autumn term. Individuals may self-nominate.
  • Two members of the national committee may nominate themselves for election as co-chairs or co-vice chairs.
  • the term of office for all officer positions is for one year from the date of appointment following the election, normally commencing on 1st January after completion of the election process in the second half of the autumn term.
  • In the case of co-chairs/co-vice chairs both positions will terminate one year from the date of appointment following the election
  • the clerk shall be responsible for the conduct of the election, the process for which shall include seeking expressions of interest at least 6 weeks prior to the meeting where the elections takes place, and detailing these on the agenda; any nominee for a position must be invited to briefly outline their suitability for the post concerned. Nominees must leave the room whilst the committee considers and votes. In the event of a tie, the committee must have a further discussion, which may include questioning of the candidates, who must then withdraw and a second vote be held by secret ballot, the result of which shall be final. If still a tie the outcome will be decided by the drawing of lots.
  • the Vice Chair will become acting Chair until the next meeting if the Chair leaves mid-term. The election of a new Chair must then be first business at that meeting. (i) the Chair is responsible for reporting to the membership on the work of NAGAS over the preceding twelve months, and to the committee at each meeting, and between meetings as and when appropriate.
  • If one co-chair/vice-chair leaves midterm, the position will be terminated and the election of a new chair/vice chair must be an agenda item for the next meeting.
  • the chair shall normally be the NAGAS representative for meetings with national organisations and national events, but if unavailable a substitute, normally the Vice Chair, shall substitute. The Chair, between meetings, or the committee at any meeting may agree an alternative representative, normally drawn from the committee, but may also agree to another suitable person drawn from one of the regional members. The Chair, and any other person representing NAGAS, must provide timely written feedback to the Chair and/or committee as appropriate.
  • the Chair is responsible, in liaison with the clerk, for the agenda for each committee meeting. Any committee member may ask for an item to be placed on the agenda, by sending written notification to both Chair and clerk at least 10 calendar days before a meeting.
  • other than in respect of 5(a) below, all decisions shall be by majority vote, In the event of a tie, the Chair (or Vice Chair or other person chairing the meeting concerned in the event of the substantive office holder’s absence) shall have a casting vote. In the case of co-chairs there will be one casting vote and it is for the two co-chairs to agree that vote.  Where the casting vote cannot be agreed, further discussion on the matter will be necessary until a majority vote is achieved.
  • the Treasurer shall make arrangements for receipt of all subscriptions and the making of payments, and generally be responsible for the orderly keeping of the accounts of the national Network
  • the treasurer shall make arrangements for annual accounts to be independently audited and a summary report of the audited accounts to be presented to the committee for approval, and then shared with the regions
  • the quorum for meetings of the national committee shall be not less than three, of whom one must be the Chair (or one of the co-chairs), Vice Chair or Treasurer.
  • the national committee shall meet at least three times per annum, virtually or in person.
  • to ensure that no region is inhibited from participation in the national committee by the cost of travel, regional representatives and the Chair of the national network shall be entitled to claim travel and subsistence, and where appropriate accommodation expenses, in pursuance of attendance at meetings of the national committee and other associated meetings on NAGAS business with the agreement of the Chair or Treasurer. Representatives, other than the Chair, may claim a payment for attendance at associated meetings but not for meetings of the national committee, when they are representing NAGAS at external organisations or events. Payments, other than for travel and subsistence, will be paid at rates agreed by the committee, taking account of the advice of the Treasurer and paid to the representative, if a registered sole trader or limited company, or their Local Authority or their employer. It is the responsibility of the individual to agree time off and any personal payments with their employer.
  • to assist in the agreement of the employer for release from duties, and /or to compensate the Chair for their services, a payment will be made on a termly basis as agreed annually and at appointment by the committee to the employer, or individual if they are registered as a sole trader or limited company.
  • this constitution will be reviewed annually by the Committee, at its last meeting in the school year, or at other times additionally should the committee so decide. The outcome of this review must be minuted and reported by the Chair to all in the network at the earliest opportunity. Any amendments proposed, together with associated explanation, must be communicated in full to members of the network by the chair and a minimum period of four school weeks allowed for comments, including via regional representatives.
  • any dispute over interpretation of any part of the constitution shall be decided by majority vote of the committee, whose decision is final.

3. Subscriptions

  • each of the eight regions in England must contribute an annual subscription to the national organisation.
  • the level of the annual subscription, and the means by which it is calculated, will be set by the national committee, who must have regard to the advice of the Treasurer. The committee decision is final.
  • the income from subscriptions must be used in pursuance of the purposes of the national organisation and in line with the payments and expenses detailed in section 2.

4. Rule Changes

(a) the national committee may make recommendations for alterations to these rules to the regions, which the Chair must arrange to place on the NAGAS website members’ section.  The proposed alteration(s) will not then become effective unless approved by a majority vote of members present at a quorate committee meeting, having given due regard to any comments from the regions. The regional representatives have the responsibility to consult with their regional membership, and share responses with the national committee. The national committee may also consult directly with members.

5. Dissolution

  • the national committee may make recommendations to dissolve NAGAS. The motion to dissolve NAGAS shall not become effective unless approved by the vote of 5 regional representatives at a committee meeting, the committee having previously given a minimum twelve calendar weeks’ notice (excluding August) to all NAGAS members of the recommendation to dissolve. Any such recommendation, together with the associated reasoning, must be communicated on the NAGAS website. Prior to any vote by the committee, it must have regard to all views received from members in the regions and their regional representatives.
  • the assets, after settlement of all liabilities, will be distributed in equal proportions to the regions.

(reviewed July 2024)